21 Things i learnt in 2021, not the usual one's you listen!
Hello humans,
Happy new year, wishing for good heath and prosperous life ahead, every new year is a new opportunity, to dream big, to plan big and for more celebrations, this year it should only get better, what ever seeds you have planted in 2021 will sprout in 2022, let's reminiscent2021 what have you learnt to take it forward for this year, I learnt a bunch of meaningful things in last year, where I would want to use them for coming years.
And every year comes till infinity, when ever you change and truly happy, that is new year for you.
Anyways so here is 21 things that changed 2021.
1. Our life is in our hands, we always think to go in the flow, thinking we don't have control over anything, but you can't control what happens with you but you can control what you can make out of it, yes we are the masters of our destiny.
2. You are what you are, you are not gonna change over anyone's perception, if you try pleasing others, you lose yourself.
3. Don't take things personally, whether it is from family, friends, society, office etc. You shouldn't let others opinion define you, so let go of that things which drain you personally.
4. All you have is now, you should value the power of now, past is gone, you can't predict the future but you can definitely make present your time.
5. I would rather die than having no purpose in my life, we all are born for a reason, our purpose of our life is to prove our existence, so never waste your life.
6. Let go of the baggage that burdens you from going further, no one should be held accountable for bad memories.
7. Let go of those people who are toxic and constantly pulling you down, those people simply drain your energy, instead be with people you vibe with you.
8. being relevant in this era, seems like a task, that is why you have to be yourself, when you are your true self, light glows from within.
9. Social media is another virtual world,a representation of something rather than real world, so don't get fooled by it.
10. Make memories as much as possible, your experience is everything, because no memory happens twice.
11. Have purpose in life, when you follow purpose, plans will eventually manifest
12. The universe is within ourself, you attract what you seek, trust, love and put your vision into.
13. What is meant to you, will always find its way to you.
14. Staying in your comfort zone, the real adventure lies outside, so prefer change over comfort
15. Change is the only constant thing, change before the change, changes you!
16. Motivation is needed to start anything but discipline has to carry you forward.
17. If your not enjoying what you are doing, but still working hard, pushing it really harder, hustling but still no satisfaction, this is why you have to do what you love, you might have heard people telling I worked hard but not happily. Change that.
18. People who believe in there muscle, achieve great heights, but if you believe in your soul wonder how well you can do.
19. You do well when there is opposition from others, the newer the better, no river will attain velocity untill there is an resistance.
20. There should be right time, place and hands for a metal to become gold, so trust the timings.
21. Focus is important for any dream to come true, instead of thinking about the result, have focus in the process.
This is not the end, there is much more I learnt than this, every day I'm suppose to answer two questions, whom did I help and what did I learn..this way you learn more...cheers to much more spiritual healing.
All this advices are relevant because this happened with me.