Namaste England 🙏


 I waited for this moment for so long, I was counting days to come here, but after being here I felt this is it, is that it, now what?

Hello guys, 

Its your priya Kishori again, after long time, I get to hear from you people, and after long time I get to write here again, Im very thankful for this platform which provided space for me to write my story. Ok lets jump to UK now.

September 6th 2023, I took my first international flight to london (United kingdom) I felt so happy to be in this place, where i was dying to be in the last few years, after landing here, everything seems stunning, the architecture, the streets, stores, vibe etc. I waited for this moment for so long, I was counting days to come here, but after being here I felt this is it, is that it, now what? Is this all UK? I want to see what is this hype is all about, you know what makes a city stunning, its ‘The people, no matter where you go, be it any country or destination, off course the natural beauty of that place is outstanding, mother nature in each different destination will never fail to attract, even props to the people who made it stunning, by keeping and repairing it in intact form, and thanks for creating this beautiful city, structures, places etc, but what is the nature of the people, which shows the nature of this place? I love my India because of the people, we are known for our hospitality- Athidi devo Bhava, means Guest is God! 


My first impression was ‘wow’ I'm here, its time for me to explore, experience, Start fresh soon, as I was walking through the streets of the london, I noticed how people are, mind you telling it’s already been more than 10 days since I’m here, the people here dress so tastefully, ranging from child to the old, and their mannerisms are so good, that they are perfect in their dialect/accent and so is there work as well, they keep it to themselves, ok frankly speaking this was a cultural shock for me, like i was so used to people around me non-stop chattering about some or the topics, even leaving all our works, we would swim into the conversation ;) but here people keep it to themselves, which I get it like, yeah that’s how the brits function, and do there life, I feel it’s totally a normal thing, they sometimes can be so nice as much and while walking on the streets, they put up a nice smile on there face, greet one another and then walk there way, its obviously total different culture from India to UK, it would take a while for me to get used to it, any which way, Im trying to get acquaint with this city, people, culture etc, talking about other nationalities, they are pretty much sweet, but don't ask Indian’s coming and living here (few exceptions tho) . If you know you know.

Overall it’s just been few days to give verdict about everything here, but till date whatever i have experienced here its not bad at all, I’m actually a International student here, not on a vacation (if you thought so) its a different scenario for people who are coming to study and work here, I mean England can be anything you want it to be like…

You name it you get it….be it anything 

Follow kishori5priya16 

Until then wait for next blog of United kingdom 🇬🇧 


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