How to create perfect Retro photos

Hello earthlings,

I hope all of you, who are reading this are safe! For today's fashion blog, I thought you giving you something different that is how to give a retro effect to your photos, pictures have become important part in our life's, 'just saying' so in this blog I will be showcasing how to edit your pictures in retro style, im not a pro editor but using this simple application anyone can create a retro vibed pictures. 
So here goes the method
  • The application I use is RETRO CAMERA- VINTAGE PHOTO FILTER
  • There is even a sister app called RETRO CAM, (Google Play Store) both for IOS and ANDROID
But I prefer using the later one because the options are clear cut and easy to assess.

1. Choose a picture of your choice I have choosen this picture.

2. When you open the app you would get this view

3. And then you can choose the filter, most of the time I wont choose this filter, but tried this time. This filter I chose gave a gradient effect, F1.

4. And shade gives good saturation at one particular point on the picture if you can observe clearly on the top of the picture there is sun light. Highlighting me in the picture.

5. And in the adjust part, if you adjust brightness, contrast, cropping etc. I have skipped and choses dust, glitch have strong filters so I didn't choose, the main player is the dust gives a rustic look to the picture you can see how retro the picture look.

6. You can adjust the dust from dark to light, I have kept it high to highlight the glitch.
There is even other filters which I felt unnecessary. After using this effect I won't use any filter from Instagram I only sharpen the image, or else the filters will disturb the glitches and you won't get that vibe.
Final reveal
What is your take on this, 
Loved this filter, do try and ping me on IG.


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