My solo travel experience?

Hello earthlings, They say, you never know untill you go! This is what happened with me so true to the words I have seen what it takes to grow out of your comfort zone and pushing your boundaries and touching the sky, I always say when you need to grow, your suppose to grow out of the box, that is where the magic lies, if you want to see increadible things you should definitely come out of that box. A week long trek in Uttrakhand travelled to a distance place, where I have never been and I never thought I will go to one with a bunch of strangers who are older than I'm! I never thought this experience would be this magical and heavenly I must say people who know me, they know that I'm not a private person, shy and always keeps to herself and thinks 100 times before getting out of the house from my comfort couch. But I always dreamt high, my toes can never be on the ground, I always want to touch the sky or above, I don't know how many of you people resonate with law of att...